Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Birth in Meager Means

By Maressa Conover

I was so excited when our guest blogger agreed to write a post for the week of Christmas. She gave birth to a beautiful girl on October 5, 2009 and I was so thankful that she found the time to share with us.

It was 4:45pm when my husband and I arrived in the parking lot at the Birth Center. We were so excited and anxious about the new adventure we were about to embark on; natural childbirth in a bathtub.

As I walked from the parking lot to the entrance trying to get there before my next contraction begun, I told Kevin, “wouldn’t it be funny if nobody opened the door and I had to have the baby in the back of our car?” That would be a story to tell! No, not funny. We rang the door bell, and a minute later, I took a breath of relief, thankfully, I was greeted by a nurse.

They close the birth center to clients at 5pm and everyone had gone home except the midwife on call for that evening and two of her assistants. We had the whole place to ourselves. I got the room I hoped for with the large roman tub, soft lighting and plenty of space for my friends and family. I felt so pampered when I got in the warm water with my candles on and music in the background. I could now focus on my breathing and soon would have a baby girl in my arms!

Mary, the mother of Jesus himself, was not so fortunate. Laboring while riding a far distance on a donkey, her only hope was just to have a private place to birth. I’ve asked myself before, “Why did God himself come to earth in human form in such a lowly and humble way?” Our all knowing, all powerful God, creator of the universe, surely could have been born to a rich couple and had the whole world know about the birth. Surely then people would have respected Jesus and come to kneel down before the Son of God!
Yet Mary and Joseph knocked on the door of the Inn at night after traveling and probably exhausted, but there was no room for them. No room for the human parents of a supernatural baby, God in human form. You would think someone would have volunteered to give up their room for this poor laboring woman, or that the innkeeper would have looked further for somewhere comfortable, but instead, the only place available was the manger for the animals! Was there really not one person who could have made room for them to have their baby? Was there not one person who sympathized with the intensity of childbirth and how comfort is so important to a laboring mommy? Nobody to even let them borrow a room until the baby was born?

I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must have been to labor in a manger let alone, King Herod on the hunt to kill baby Jesus. It was probably stinky, dirty and itchy, far from the comforts we have now. Still today, time and time again, many of us are looking out for ourselves, but may not notice others who are in need or at least not enough to help them, love them or accommodate them.

God knew that Jesus would be born in a manger, and did not get in the way of that. Perhaps, he wanted to identify with the lowliest of people and did not care about a big show, for it would still become one of the most significant events in history. God does not push himself on people but quietly knocks on the door of our hearts, waiting for us to make room for him. He eagerly awaits for an open door.

When was the last time you looked for an opportunity to make room for someone else? Whether it be time, touch, a listening ear or a meal, show God you love him, by taking care of someone he loves. Even if it’s an inconvenience, provide a blessing to someone else in need this Christmas!
Next week we'll talk about when if ever do we tell our children about Santa?
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1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful article and reminder of the true story of Christmas! So thankful for Jesus coming to earth for us! What a humble beginning.
